Lunchtalks an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

07.02.2024, 12:30-13:30 Uhr

SPA 1, Raum 112 und via Zoom


Organisiert durch:
WiWiF in Kooperation mit IZ D2MCM

Anmeldung: (Leslie Udvarhelyi).



Lunchtalks an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

1. Vortrag: Sonja Greven: Statistics, AI, densities, images and paradata - an overview of current research at the Chair of Statistics

Information: How to combine artificial intelligence and Statistics, to best analyze complex data such as curves or mouse movement trajectories, and to flexibly model the whole outcome distribution in regression? In three current projects we develop methods that fuse deep learning and Statistics to e.g. conduct statistical inference for deep learning models with images, that allow modeling the whole distribution of the outcome instead of the mean as a function of covariates, and that use paradata such as computer mouse movements to tackle challenges with and improve data quality in web surveys.

Presentation Greven (Only on request)

2.Vortrag: Nikolaus Wolf: Geography and the Formation of Exclusive Communities in Europe: A Long Run View

Information: To what extent does physical geography (topology) shape social spaces? In this project we explore how watersheds affect individual level values, exploting variation from the European Value Survey (2017) on 57k individuals nested within 935 Euopean NUTS3 regions. We find that watersheds have surprisingly strong and robust effects.

Presentation Wolf